Bloopers & Outtakes - Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Movie Review

The Return of the Joker review was a fun one, being kind sci-fi movie reviews of outside my usual wheelhouse. However, that does mean that I (blog post) tripped ...Source: Bloopers & Outtakes - Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos (blog)

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Prometheus Movie Review

It's been 15 years since the last "true" Alien movie, and Prometheus aims to bring the series back to it's former glory, by heading back before Alien was Alien. The story of the space jockey and the origins of the Xenomorph are (blog post) finally told, but after so long a wait does the science fiction movie reviews story hold up? Or is it (blog

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Army of Darkness Movie Review

You really can't talk about Evil Dead without someone bringing up Army of Darkness. That makes sense, as it is part of the series but it was named so differently to differentiate itself from the previous entries. Though I suppose it could have got away with calling itself "The Evil Deadites" and it would have been just as different. Ash goes back

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About Me

Whenever I go to the movies, I take something away from it that I wind up forgetting. The one and Decker Shado only me.View more moviesheyday of movie watchingCelestial Cinema Collectionoddest filmsFilmsCelestial Cinema SeriesBMCThe Drunken Severed Head

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About Me

My opinion is that the worst films are those that are so terrible they are actually funny. Troll 2, Plan 9 from Outer Space and The Room are all examples of such films. These films are actually quite entertaining to watch. It is impossible to not laugh at the absurd plotlines, the woody acting, and overall cheesiness. If you're looking Decker Shado

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